Looney Tune
Directed by Frank Tashlin
Animation: Robert Bentley (as Robt.)
Story by George Manuell (as Geo.)
Musical Direction by Carl W. Stalling
Originally Released in 1938
Redrawn in 1968
Redrawn by Color Systems Inc.
Computer Colorized in 1992
Colorized by CST Entertainment Inc.
Plot Summary:
A neighborhood bully convinces Porky to take a puff from his cigar, causing Porky to
hallucinate a smoke-man named Nick O' Teen, along with a musical number done by cigars,
cigarettes and pipes in the likeness of the 3 Stooges, etc. Porky learns his lesson and
promises not to smoke again.
What were they thinking? Porky dissapears, the colors are bad...I highly
reccomend the B&W version of this cartoon.