Looney Tune
Directed by Robert Clampett
Animated By Charles Jones
Porky voiced by Mel Blanc
Gabby voiced by Cal Howard
Other voices by Earle Hodgins & Bernice Hanson
Musical Direction by Carl W. Stalling
Original B&W: 1937
Redrawn in 1968 or 1969
Computer Colorized in 1992
"Public Domain"
On these videos:
Plot Summary:
Porky and Gabby are about to deposit their savings in the bank when a shyster sells
them a lot that's full of oil because he planted it there. Meanwhile, a dog trying to bury
a bone has lots more luck finding oil than Porky and Gabby until the shyster shuts off the
oil-filled sprinklers. Meanwhile, Gabby hits oil for real and rides his jackhammer into
the swindler's pants causing him to drop the deed.
This cartoon isn't really that funny and the redrawn version makes it
really empty.
Watching this cartoon next to one of Clampett's later cartoons makes you wonder if
he really did direct this!
The gopher looks like it's from he...ck. |